Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hillary resurrected?

There has been a spate of articles disparaging Barak Obama from unlikely sources. With the convention three weeks away and the general acceptance that Obama is the almost certain nominee, this goes against the grain.

The Washington Post, reliably in the Democratic camp, has carried two editorials here and here castigating his Iraq policy and a biting piece by Dana Milbank entitled “President Obama Continues Hectic Victory Tour.” Adam Nagourney, political correspondent of the New Your Times wrote a story that Obama had not succeeded in closing the racial divide, which earned him the emnity of Obama’s staff and got him kicked off the campaign plane. Two weeks later he followed that up with “Where’s the Bounce?” another less than positive story about declining poll numbers following Obama’s trip. The most damning portrayal was published on a pro-Hillary website, It quotes a letter to the Treasurer of the DNC from a mega contributor and Hillary supporter who refuses to contribute to this year’s DNC fundraising campaign. He considers Obama a flawed candidate. Why all this negativity from a well disciplined party and supporters who normally close ranks behind the presumptive nominee?

Well, never count the Clintons out. Normally the party’s Presidential candidate becomes the party leader, yet neither Al Gore nor John Kerry ever earned that mantle. The Clinton’s still hold the reins. And they play politics for keeps. But if the Clintons are ever to live in the White House again, they have only two options. Get the nomination in 2008 or failing that, have Obama lose the election. Should Obama win, he will, no doubt, last two terms.

By 2016, no amount of Botox or plastic surgery could make Hillary look youthful. Would the Clintons welcome falling poll numbers for Obama? Would they be happy with the perception Obama can’t win? Would they use their press contacts to perpetuate that meme? You would think not. But then this comes along from ABC News yesterday (August 6):

Sen. Hillary Clinton told a gathering of supporters last week that she's looking for a "strategy" for her delegates to have their voices heard and "respected" at the Democratic National Convention -- and did not rule out the possibility of having her name placed into nomination at the convention alongside Sen. Barack Obama's.

Perhaps it’s for leverage to be keynote speaker, or perhaps even the Vice Presidential nod. Perhaps not. Relations between the two camps have become chilly. No, icy. Obama won’t help in paying off Clinton’s campaign debts, despite his pledge. If you are a political junkie, don’t turn your TV off after the Olympics. It could be the most exciting convention ever.

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